
He is the face of Orange’s active and experiential holidays in Scandinavia. Ravinder combines his adventurous and sporty spirit in his tourism profile, he is at the helm of active JOURNEYS that go off the beaten track , involving cycling and hiking. He combines his knowledge of what makes India tick with his flawless execution on ground, with fun results. He also exudes dependability, he was on spot when the ill-fated Nepal Earthquake struck and went into immediate rescue mode, aiding the escape of many victims. Ravinder on popular vote was rechristened by the team as Rambo, with a big heart. His rough and tough exterior hosts a simple man from the mountains whose love for travel is at the fore. He also dabbles with photography and his viewfinder bears stunning results!


Final destination is the prize, but the journey is gold! Manish is a firm believer of this philosophy. His combination of patience and business acumen helps raise the roof with each new exciting venture that Orange undertakes. A calm oasis in the midst of a whirlwind, his Zen mindedness helps guide the teams and sharpen the needle of detail. Born and raised in Delhi, he has in depth knowledge of the pulse points that make India the exotic destination that it is. When he takes time off from business; he can be found refining his cricket skills. He also loves to travel with his big Indian family to unique destination and spend time narrating ghost stories under the blanket of stars.


Coming from the beautiful Himalayan town of Paudi Garwal Sandeep is a go-getter. A graduate backed by a degree in Spanish language, Sandeep brings immense value to the set-up. His undying hard work, passion for client satisfaction and self motivated approach makes him an indispensable member of the core team. A 100% family man who dotes on his beautiful daughter and a loving wife. In his free time Sandeep loves to unwind by listening to old hindi songs and loves his single malt on the rocks.


A go getter, she is a charmer who has tremendous resilience, will power and commitment. Her calmness and experience make for a perfect leader. Clients just love being pampered by her. She is an asset to the organization and is equal to task when it comes to being a home maker…Loves travelling and has vast first hand experiences . Divya is a perfect example of good work life balance. Going shopping still remains a favourite pastime.


Cool Amit is peoples man. Ever smiling and going about life likes it’s a cruise, Amit is a soothing spell. Coming from the hill town of Dharamshala, also the abode of his holiness Dalai Lama. He is an MBA in tourism and backed by 10 years of experience, he is a pillar of strength. Having spent 10 years handling British and French clients, he is a mix of both! A family man and loves travelling and listening to old groovy Hindi numbers.


He is the face of Orange’s active and experiential holidays in Scandinavia. Ravinder combines his adventurous and sporty spirit in his tourism profile, he is at the helm of active JOURNEYS that go off the beaten track , involving cycling and hiking. He combines his knowledge of what makes India tick with his flawless execution on ground, with fun results. He also exudes dependability, he was on spot when the ill-fated Nepal Earthquake struck and went into immediate rescue mode, aiding the escape of many victims. Ravinder on popular vote was rechristened by the team as Rambo, with a big heart. His rough and tough exterior hosts a simple man from the mountains whose love for travel is at the fore. He also dabbles with photography and his viewfinder bears stunning results!


Ishveen’s “leave the torpedoes behind” attitude guarantees results. Her trademark no-filter assessment is appreciated and depended upon to give a clear as crystal experience. Ishveen is at forefront of guiding the inquisitives from the United Kingdom about India, and building their exclusively customized trips with all the luxury trimmings from the word go. She makes a sport out of multi-tasking and lives by the modern mantra of working hard and living life to its maximization.


Tuhina is a travel enthusiast with miles clocked around the Indian subcontinent, Middle East and Africa. She has traveled extensively throughout India and is closely familiar with the cultural, religious and off-beat patterns of the diverse country that she calls home. At Orange Next she manages North American and UK accounts. She enjoys tailoring wish-lists of travelers into insightful JOURNEYS that take them through the complex and colorful ecosystem of India. When she isn’t planning someone’s India adventure, she unwinds with a good book or takes off exploring new destinations with her family and friends.